Make Your Blog Posts Go Viral

The best type of advertising has three characteristics. It is free, impactful and viral.
What kind of advertising fulfills all three characteristics? Word of mouth! It is free
because it is spontaneous, unsolicited and natural. It is impactful because the persons
spreading it were impacted and they spread the news out of their own impacted emotions.
And it is extremely viral because it spreads exponentially. Imagine if your blog posts
could be passed around this way.

What kind of blog post can achieve such a viral nature? A viral blog can be one of
several kinds:

1. A HOW TO blog post

The HOW TO blog post shows the reader how to do something that many people want to know.
If you know how to do something that most people do not, you could post a step-by-step
guide on how to do it to your blog. Once the right people discover your blog post, they
will naturally and spontaneously spread your blog post to others. You could write about
how to speak in public, how to write HTML, how to play the piano by ear, how to take great
photos etc. There are literally thousands of 'how to' things you could post about.

2. A UNIQUE TWIST blog post

This type of blog post is closely related to the first HOW TO type. This is where you
blog about something that is common knowledge but you put your own unique twist to it,
something that most people have never thought of. It may well be totally contrary to
conventional practice. One example is article marketing. The conventional practice in
article marketing is where you write articles and submit them to article directories. But
if you have a better and more effective way of article marketing, post about it in your
blog. For example, instead of submitting articles to directories, you could offer your
articles to blog owners or newsletter owners in your niche. Tell them they can make your
article available to their readers for free as long as no changes are made to any of the
content. This way you get much more targeted readers reading your article and more
powerful link juice back to your blog because it comes from another blog that is related
to your own instead of from a general article directory.

3. A HOT REVIEW blog post

This type of post follows the principle of the early bird catching the worm. This is
where you blog about the latest hot topic in your niche and give an honest appraisal of
what is good and what is bad about whatever is happening. Since the topic is new,
virtually no one has much knowledge, much less a view about it. This works tremendously
well for political blogs. But the review can also be about the hottest gadget or the
latest book or the newest trend in your niche. One great place where you can find out the
latest happenings is Google Trends. If you are the first to blog about whatever is
happening, you can capture the initial interest of the public and people will start
passing your blog post around like wildfire. When that wave dies down, simply find the
next sizzling development and review it and the process repeats itself.

These are just three ways you can make your blog viral. Obviously, you will not succeedevery time, but if you keep at it, you will hit the jackpot sooner or later. And as a
result, the readership of your blog experiences an exponential spurt of growth.

Blogging: A Powerful Home Business Tool 

If You Have A Business... You Should Consider Starting A Blog. 

A blog is a web page that is made up of different posts that is (or should be) updated regularly. A web log is a very powerful tool your home business should take advantage of. You can use this in a lot of different ways to benefit your internet business.

Here are some of the things you can benefit from when you start blogging. 

1. You can publish your business on the web very easily. With blogging, you can put in your thoughts, your views, and various links to the web page with a few clicks of your mouse. It's not much different than sending an email if you think about it. You just type in your subject, your content and click the button to finish it. Blogging is made simple by different programs and software developed by the  blog site provider in the Internet.

2. You can get a cheaper website with blogging. Instead of maintaining a website of your own, blog sites are good alternatives. We all know that a website might take a lot of programming and a lot of maintenance to start and keep updated. But with blogging, most of the hassle goes away. Blogging can also be as inexpensive as free! 

3. A lot less technical knowledge is needed. As stated earlier, the software is already there, ready to be used by bloggers, to be on their sites regularly. There isn't a need to hire a web professional every time you want to change or update something on your site. It's also a matter of just typing and clicking on the post button if used in the simplest form.

4. Blogging can give your online business a huge edge over competitors. Customers and visitors of your blog site can easily join in and post their own comments and suggestions to your site and your products. And if you post answer to their posts quickly, it will show them that you care and are willing to reach out and help your prospective customers and clients. Customers always prefer personalized attention.

5. Blogging will give you the marketing promotion you need at a low cost. Blogging is very popular in today's world. With its rise in popularity, many people are using it even for their own for personal reasons. And since people already know how it works, you can add in a different dimension to your product. You can setup contests, offer discounts, post banner or text ads, or even have others pay you to post their content. There are a lot of possibilities and they are virtually endless.

6. Blogging can be used to share photos, news, upcoming events, and everything else about your product. Blogging almost has no boundaries. Anything can be uploaded there in to help boost your home business. Think outside of the box and be creative. There are no limits.

Blogging has actually been around since the late 1990’s. Since then, it has been widely used by businesses as well individuals. Even big corporations have blog sites of their own. This has been the reason why it is one of the most important tool a business should have. You should use it consistently if you want to benefit your business.

Top TEN Proven Ways On How to Drive Quality Targeted Traffic To Your Affiliate Website

10 Ways To Get Traffic

You gotta get traffic to Your Online Affiliate Marketing Website if you're planning on making some good money.

When you're into affiliate marketing, one of the most major issues you'll deal with is how you're going to drive traffic to your site.  You probably know also that you don't just want any traffic – you want and need targeted traffic.  Here are the top 10 most used and also proven ways you can drive high quality targeted traffic to your affiliate marketing site and increase your money making potential: (Also Some FREE Ways)

1. E-mail Marketing

Email marketing, when done properly can drive targeted traffic to your affiliate marketing site.  This can be done by providing appropriate, valuable information in your email message and of course inserting your affiliate link that will get the people to look at your site.

By the way, if you're not building an email list here is a free way to do so 

With Email Marketing, you can do it a couple of ways: You can provide all of the content in the e-mail message and then having your a link available to invite the person to view more similar write-ups on your site.  Or you can give just a portion of the content that will attract the person to want to see the rest of what you have on the affiliate site. 


  • Some people put the affiliate site directly such as:
Check this out!
[where you can see the site with the referral id]

  • Others post the link under text like: 
To See How To Get Your Free Traffic: 

  • And others us their domain name with special plugins that cloak their link like this:
Go To Our Site For Instant Free Access:


NOTE: This is the special plugin that I use to cloak my sites right inside wordpress. I use it because it's really simple. You just put your affiliate link
in and the world you want at the end... in the case above I picked "freetraffic" 

It has some other functions, but I just use it mainly to cloak my links because
it keeps them ALL in one place, and makes the super easy to organize and remember. I highly recommend this plugin to all of my members. At the end of this blog, I will post my other favorite tools to use so you can take a look at them later if you like. So go ahead and bookmark this page.

Here is the special plugin I believe every affiliate should have


2. Write Articles

Informative, interesting or how-to articles, especially if they are written well to understand, have been proven to drive traffic to affiliate marketing sites.  Include links to similar or additional information within the content body that can only be read from your site and provide additional links throughout your article. There are special sites you can sign up for to write articles. Personally I choose to write blogs for the most part and I think they are a great way to start your own articles. I really have always like Blogger and most recently Wordpress.
I would definitely recommend IBO to everyone as a great place to write. It's a marketing toolbox and has a lot of free everything! I'm a little depressed to say I have not used it like I should. But I do have some friends that use it and they are really prospering from it... AND learning a lot! CLICK HERE

   Most everything below should be self-explanatory. Some of it, I don't get involved with. Not because it isn't good, but just because of my lack of time.
   I do give-aways though. In fact here is one you can have right now. It's pretty cool if you have wordpress
   It's a site Jacker. Don't worry it's nothing illegal. But it's definitely worth using if you use wordpress

Here it is and it's called JACK JACKER

If there are any method below that you don't understand. You can simply look on google. There are so many opportunities that you will not have a hard time finding information. Just research well. If you do have any questions... contact me.

3. Newsletters and E-zines

People love information, particularly those about subjects they are curious about or are involved in – which explains why targeted methods to drive traffic to affiliate marketing sites work best.

Offer e-newsletter and e-zine subscriptions, making sure that links bring recipients to your site.  Use a separate landing page to handle the subscription process for your visitors' convenience.

4. Blogs

Other than your affiliate marketing site, use a blog to get in touch with prospective customers and members.  Blogs are considerably more personal and lighter in tone than most affiliate business sites and they can be a great source of information, news, advice and tips from you to your prospects.  Include a link from your blog to your affiliate marketing site.

5. Social Bookmarking Sites

These sites are a rich source of targeted traffic that you can drive to your affiliate marketing site.  Your market demographics are also easier to define so sending out invitations to potential leads and members is a lot easier.

6. Discussion Forums and Boards

By leaving useful and thought-provoking comments on discussion boards and forums, you encourage other members to react and send you a reply.  You'll be able to build a networking relationship from here.  Make sure to sign with a link back to your affiliate marketing site.

7. Guest Blogging

You could drive another blog's captured traffic to your affiliate site by becoming a guest blogger.  If you can write well and can offer unique and useful content, the site's readership will find you interesting enough to follow you to your own site.

8. Allow Bookmarking On Your Web Pages

If you have content, you can drive traffic to your affiliate marketing site by allowing your readers to bookmark certain pages.  This will help promote those pages and your website to other people who might be interested in the same subjects.

9. Hosting Contests

Locate your target market and then promote a contest through ads or e-mails.  All details must be found on your affiliate marketing website so you can drive traffic there.  Registration must also be performed on one of your landing pages.  Just make sure to offer prizes that visitors who will be coming in will find useful.

10. Give Away Freebies!

There's nothing like a nice gift to drive targeted traffic to your affiliate marketing site.  It's easy to implement and can be relatively cheap.  Furthermore, you offer these visitors an incentive to sign up for whatever campaign it is you're promoting.


   If you want to find your own products to sell can get for free .. Check Out This Site!  
   You'll get tons of free stuff right off the bat, and a free lifetime membership. Optional upgrade... but you'll get alot even if you don't. 
   Plus they add new products all of the time.
   I love this site, because everytime I see someone advertise something new, I can usually find it here. So it's worth Checking into! CLICK HERE


   This is one of my absolute favorite sites to work with when creating sales pages for anything. 
   It has 75 build in templates. A pop up builder that you can set for entering the site or exiting the site etc...
   Drag and drop built in graphics or add your own for easy creation. 
It makes professional sites in minutes.
   This normally sells for a chunk of a monthly fee, however because of a special deal that I'm allowed to promote exclusively with just a few other people.
   I can give it for one low lifetime membership price as a special promotion. 
   It's something that if you can get your hands on it, you won't regret!
   You'll also get phenomenal training that is worth a goldmine.

You Can See More About It On The Actual Page

Five Small Tips To Help Avoid Distractions When You Work At Home

1.) Create a “work schedule” and set your limits.
You might need a sign to hang on your home office door
that says do not disturb, or busy at work, or even just
have your hours written down outside the door to your offce,
bedroom, den, or wherever your workspace is.

Todays Work Schedule Example:
Working 9am to 11:30am
Free Time 11:30am to 1:30pm
Working 1:30pm to 3:30pm

Just make sure everyone knows you’re working and not to be disturbed.
It’s helpful to everyone if you can designate special times throughout
the day that are devoted to work and free time that is devoted to family,
household duties and running errands.

2.) Close extra pages and apps on your computer that aren't work related
such as facebook, twitter, chatrooms etc, unless you specifically are
placing an ad on facebook or expecting an important message, just keep
it closed. Email also. Most of us marketers need to check it regularily,
but set times to check it - because if you check it everytime you get a
notification it's very easy to get sidetracked and get yourself started on
something else rather than finish your first goal.
This also goes for other tabs/pages that you don't need open. If you're involved
in more than one business... keep only the one you are working on open.
If you get an idea about another project just quickly write it down and
open it up later. Stick to your plan of what needs done and don't skip around
or you'll find yourself getting nothing done with a lot of work.

3.) Turn your phone off. You can always set specific ringtones for important
calls or family emergencies. Set a specific time once per two hours or so to check
voice mail. But don't keep letting yourself get distracted everytime the phone rings.
Same goes for texts. Set times to check and times to follow up. Just stay on
task for your goal/goals of the day.

4.) If the television or music is a distraction to you, then keep it off. Sometimes
having a fan on helps block out external noise. You can even find white noise on
youtube and have it play in a separate tab or play it from your phone with earbuds
in to block out any noise that might be coming from outside or from family members.

5.) You should always plan ahead when possible. Having snacks or drinks close by,
any business tools you might need organized and ready to go. It's very good to have
a written list of goals that you can check off as you go. Sometimes if you follow
a list you might get done a lot sooner and have more time to enjoy your day...
or maybe get some extra work done like write an extra blog post or make a video.
In any case, having a list of "to-do's" will make your time and effort go much
more smoothly than trying to remember everything off the cuff, and getting yourself
lost and off track.

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