Do Entrepreneurs Need Partners?

It is said that no entrepreneur goes it alone and has un-dreamed
of success by himself. In fact, if you look at every wildly
successful entrepreneur, you will see that they didn't do
everything themselves - they had a partner or partners. This is
true in every market. 

So my question to you is - are you trying to go it alone or are
you partnering with others and in doing so allowing yourself to
go farther than your own limitations? 

If you've never partnered before or if you've attempted it
unsuccessfully, here are some tips: 

1. Figure out what type of partner you need. 
Do you need a graphics partner, a writing or copywriting partner,
a silent financial or legal partner, someone with technical
skills, or a joint venture partner with far-reaching contacts? 
Before you can go any further, you need to know what you want;
identify the category of partnership you're seeking. 

2. Identify your own weaknesses. 
Maybe you procrastinate, don't care to micro-manage details, or
you're an ideas-man. Look at plugging up the holes where you're
weak. Find partners who are strong in what they do best so they
can compliment what you do best. 

3. Determine your goals, your USP, your values, and decide what
you're not willing to compromise on. Ideally, you want your
partner(s) to share your values and work ethics. 

4. Look first at your business contacts and determine if any are
a good match-up with you and your plans. You'll never know if
they're interested in partnering with you unless you ask. You
may need to actually do some recruiting to find partners. In
that case, you can ask business acquaintances you respect, ask on
business forums, and look through social media sites such as

5. Make the right offer. Don't try to be cheap, give the
partner their fair share. If they feel they're not getting paid
what they're worth, be it through salary or a percentage of
profits, they're not going to put out 100%. 

6. Be clear and honest up front with the potential partner and
ask them to do the same. If you don't see eye to eye about the
direction of the project or the time frame, etc., you need to
decide whether these differences matter to you both or if they
can be worked through. Above all, you want total commitment from
partners and if they can't, it's best to find out up front. 

It's not always easy to find the right partner(s), but take the
time and put in the effort required to find people who will help
you take your business to the next level and beyond. It's worth

So You Think You Can't Write an Ebook?

There are several reasons why an Internet marketer should have
his own ebook product. With his own product he can have total
control over pricing and what can be done with the product. 

He/she can change it as he sees fit or update it as the market changes. 
He/she becomes a product creator, which can give him a confidence
boost. He can also be considered an expert on the topic he
created the ebook about. 

So how do you go about creating an ebook? 

Start off with finding a niche of people who are buying. These
people have a problem and they're willing to spend some money to
find a solution. You're going to give them something to buy - an
ebook with the solution. 

Next, do some research on your chosen topic so you sound like you
know what you're talking about. Your research can include
articles, such as EzineArticles, short reports, and other ebooks
on the subject. Take brief notes but make sure you're not
copying anything from the material you're looking at. You do not
want to plagiarize. Plus you want your ebook to be original;
filled with everything you know on the subject and from your
unique angle. 

Once you have the topic picked and you've done your research,
it's time to organize your ebook. An outline of some sort is a
must. The structure of your ebook is typically: Introduction,
chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, etc., and the conclusion with
further resources. Decide what each of your chapters will be
about, putting them in a logical sequence. 

Now take each chapter heading and write. If you are intimidated
or overwhelmed, treat each chapter as if you were writing a 400
word article. That's not so bad, is it? Thinking of it that way
makes it much easier to tackle. 

In each chapter you can add tip boxes, little story examples,
screenshots, and/or graphics. 

After your chapters are written, take some time to write the
introduction and conclusion pages. The introduction may have
some brief personal information about you - why you're qualified
to write on this subject or how knowing this info has changed
your life. The conclusion is a good place to refer people on to
bigger and better information, preferable through your website,
product links, or affiliate links. 

Pick a font that's easy to read, such as Verdana 11 px and set
your paragraph spacing to 1.15. If you go bigger, people will
accuse you of trying to inflate the number of pages of your

Proofread your work! You don't look much like an expert if you
can't keep the typos and bad grammar in check. If English is not
your first language, hire a proofreader to set it all straight. 
Run the ebook by someone you trust before you go live with it and
ask them to catch any mistakes they run across. 

Writing an ebook seems like a daunting task until you put it into
ordered steps and take them on one after the other. Spend time
finding the right niche and topic first, and you will be rewarded
with sales later.

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