Article Marketing is a Excellent Way to Boost Business Earnings

Article marketing can be a great way to improve your earnings
when done consistently. The actual writing of each article is
just one thing you need to do. Marketing articles successfully
takes time, patience, skill, knowledge, perseverance, dedication
and creativity. The following information is designed to teach
you some basic strategies and techniques that will help you turn
your articles into profits. 

One of the most important steps that you can take is to ensure
that your website is up-to-date. Nothing drives away potential
buyers faster than yesterday's news. Updating and revising the
information on your website should always be considered a
work-in-progress. If you are selling or recommending products,
they need to relate to current trends. Prices must be accurate.
Articles, blogs and other information on your website should be
fresh and creative. Give your visitors a reason to stay and
browse instead of an excuse to say "been there, done that" and
move on to the competition. 

Whatever marketing and sales techniques are used in getting
traffic, it's important not to make false or vague claims about
any product. They must meet expectations for you to earn
credibility. You cannot claim that a product is the best, is
better or more effective than other products without providing
proof that the claim is true. Side-by-side comparison charts are
a good way to compare two or more similar products when yours has
more features and benefits than a competitor's product does. 

Visitors can be enticed to sign up to your newsletter if you
offer freebies that will be seen as being great value. Do not
insult them by sending them an eBook that they could have found
for free on the internet or a link to a YouTube video. Develop
integrity as a main goal. Treating your customers and potential
customers as you would like to be treated is a great way to build
a loyal following. An extra unannounced bonus is a good
sweetener, too. 

Topics that will produce a lot of interest in your niche, are the
best to use in your articles. Do not simply reword interesting
articles that you find on other websites. Write from a different
perspective than the one others are presenting. Visit forums,
read other related blogs and websites, read magazines from your
newsagent or library to get a feel for what is available and what
buyers like and dislike about them. Use their comments to
formulate a relevant topic. Keeping up with current issues, fads
or trends will give you topical material to write about. 

"Top Ten" lists or "How To" guides always make popular articles.
Use a title that grabs attention but make sure you follow-up with
the type of content the title suggests. Do not make your list or
guide too general, choose a sub-topic of a popular niche. For
example, if you work in the area of health & beauty, make a top
ten list for teenagers, children, retirees etc, rather than for
the population as a whole. 

Once your article marketing plan is in place, focus on it and
stick to it until you are successful. Despite other commitments
and obligations, new articles will be needed every week, so put
aside the time to write them or have them written. You will also
need to keep building back-links on a consistent basis. 

Submit your articles to as many directories, blogs and other
relevant websites as possible, over and over again. Send out
newsletters, keep your blog updated, track and analyze your
traffic data, develop new marketing tactics and other internet
marketing techniques that are interrelated to your article
marketing plan. 

Your goal is to reach as wide an audience of potential buyers as
possible and bring them to your website to buy your product.
Article marketing can play a huge part in achieving that goal
when you follow your plan. 

How The Gurus Make You Buy Their Stuff Even When You Don't Really Want To

It is said that the pen is mightier than the sword. That is so
true especially in internet marketing where there is very little
face-to-face interaction between the marketer and the prospective
customer. Therefore, it is imperative for internet marketers to
'speak' to their prospects through what they write. Successful
internet marketers have learned the art of communicating through
powerful, compelling copy that almost hypnotizes their prospects
into buying their stuff. How do they do it? 

Successful internet marketers employ certain tried and true
principles of sales psychology in crafting their copy. Here are
some of those principles. 

1. Personalization 

People respond to friends more than to acquaintances. The
exception is with someone so well-known in his field of
expertise, like Tony Robbins in self-improvement. Then people
would readily trust in such an expert rather than their close
friend but only when it comes to that expert's area of expertise.
In every other situation, all things being equal, people trust
their own friends more than mere acquaintances. 

Thus successful internet marketers know how to befriend you to
gain your trust. They do so in their sales copy and subsequent
follow-up messages. For example, the tone of their words would be
friendly, informal and personable, using personal pronouns as
much as possible. You get the feeling they are talking to you as
if you have known each other for decades. So their emails would
contain your first name rather than 'Dear Sir' or 'Dear Madam'. 

Another way successful internet marketers befriend you is by
identifying with you in the problems or issues you might be
facing. If you are reading a website about improving your golf
swing, the marketer might tell you how terrible his own swing was
not too long ago. He speaks as though he were you! Or supposing
you are reading a website about internet marketing, the marketer
may well tell you that he is very fed-up with all those gurus who
mislead newbies like you and that he knows how you feel because
he was once misled also. 

Bear in mind that at times the words you read are actually
ghost-written. Obviously no one internet marketer can be
experienced or knowledgeable in so many fields (niches). That's
why all marketers use pen names at times. This way, they assume
different identities according to the different niches they
market to. All these methods are not wrong, as long as the
marketer delivers useful content in a sincere, non-manipulative
and respectful way in all his correspondences with you. 

So be aware of what the marketers are trying to do. There are
times you might need to take their words with a pinch of salt.
This leads to the second principle. 

Be Your Own Guru:

2. Engagement 

A good novelist always starts by setting the scene of the story.
He gives you the big picture first before thickening the plot and
going into details. The successful internet marketer is no
different, except that the marketer does not have the luxury of
wasting words. He knows he only has 5 seconds to engage with you
otherwise you would move on to another website at the click of
your mouse. 

So the first step that every internet marketer makes in engaging
with you is to write an attention-grabbing headline. Headlines
using the words, "How to....", "Discover the ways to...." or "Who
else wants to know the...." are very effective in engaging with
you because it arouses your curiosity. By doing so, the marketer
quickly tells you what's in it for you. All this is well and good
but you must be careful of one thing. 

Be careful to analyze the claims of the marketer. They must
fulfill two criteria. It must be believable (not just hype) and
it must be fair (minimum or no risk for you). Successful
marketers make their claims believable and fair through various
means. For example, they use testimonies of people who have
benefited from their products in the past. They may also show you
statistics of their own records (such as their income) or 'before
and after' photos of themselves. To make their offer fair to you,
most marketers give a money back guarantee or include lots of
bonuses with their main product. 

Be Your Own Guru:

3. Action 

Everything the marketer has written thus far is geared towards
getting you to take action. It would be either to buy the product
or give your email address or some other form of action.
Successful marketers use two time-tested methods to do so. They
are urgency and scarcity (or a combination of the two). The
urgency method is by saying that there will be a price increase
after a certain time. The scarcity method is by saying there will
only be a limited number of units of the product sold. There are
modifications and combinations of these two methods. 

With all this information, you can see through all the gurus'
methods of making you buy their stuff. This will help you be more
selective in buying as well as equip you to make your own offers
to your prospects as well.

Be Your Own Guru:

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